It always amazes me how people come up with new ideas on how they can make a difference. I, myself have held some ‘out there’ fundraisers but I have never thought about dying my hair pink to raise funds. This is exactly what Margy Allen did!

I first met Margy when she was hosting a linen party for me over ten years ago. She is one of the most jovial people, with one of the biggest smiles and biggest hearts you could ever meet. I have held many fundraisers to raise money for breast cancer research over the years and Margy has always put her hand up to donate or help out wherever she can. She has helped me tremendously in the past, so when she reached out and asked me to help with a fundraiser she had in the pipeworks, how could I refuse.
Margy had decided on a whim to sign up to the National Breast Cancer Foundations ‘Go Pink’ campaign. She had agreed to dye her hair pink and raise funds in the lead up to the big day. Having been a hairdresser in the past I have had every hair colour imaginable, but I have also had no hair, as a result of chemotherapy. I understand the importance of people’s hair and I knew that this was a big step and a big deal for Margy. A lady in her 50’s walking around with pink hair isn’t the norm.
Saturday 27th June, 2020 was the day that Margy had chosen to ‘Go Pink’ and make a difference. We went to Dexterity Salon, here in Ballarat owned by Jordan Walker, and took a seat on the plush waiting lounge. Margy was talking non stop and I could tell she was a tad nervous, but I knew once she sat in that salon chair a calm would wash over her and she would relax. She was in good hands with Jordan and I knew he was going to do an amazing job.

Before and after photos are a must in my eyes and it was obvious that making a fuss over Margy was not only reassuring her that the fact she was about to have pink hair was ok, but she was making a difference in the cancer world by doing so. Over the course of a few hours in the salon, I made sure I was pumping her up, thanking her, and making her feel special. After all, Margy was doing this to help raise funds for cancer research, not because she was getting a pat on the back, so I wanted to keep telling her what an awesome thing she was doing.
There is a restaurant in Ballarat called Oscars and Margy had arranged for a few family and friends to meet there for an afternoon tea to celebrate her going pink and to also raise a little more awareness for breast cancer. As I walked in the door to start setting up (as Margy was running late, she needed to put her make up on!) I saw a couple of ladies wearing pink and assumed they would be a part of the afternoon tea. I ushered them into the back room where the festivities were to be held. It was a shame that we couldn’t make the afternoon tea bigger than it was but unfortunately due to COVID restrictions we had to keep it to 20 people. It was a nice number though as we could mingle between each other and there was a warm and cosy feeling to the afternoon.

When Margy walked through the door with her pastel pink hair, her face said it all. Her smile was from ear to ear and you could tell she was loving the new do and excited that she went through with it. Something as simple as dying your hair pink can make a difference. Margy had set herself a goal to raise $750.00, but by the end of the day, she had nearly doubled that amount! A fantastic effort!!
Margy, from myself and all of the other breast cancer patients out there, thank you! It was my absolute pleasure to be a part of your ‘go pink’ journey and cheer you on along the way. Your enthusiasm and love for life is very apparent and you showed me that fundraising can be fun, and very satisfying. I had lost sight of this after stepping away from fundraising for a little while.
You made a difference in the cancer world and you should be bloody proud of yourself. Keep being you and keep smiling, and again thank you for making a difference!
